Welcome to The Blue Tulip Woolery’s rug hooking website!
I hope you enjoy looking at the hand-hooked rugs, kits, hand-dyed wool and needle felted creations that are on the following pages.
Hooking rugs is the most rewarding craft I believe I have ever learned. For years I’ve worked on needlepoint, quilting and wool applique following my mother’s love of the crafts and of antiques; our home was full of them. But rug hooking has ‘hooked’ me. The possibilities of design are endless, whether whimsical, primitive or traditional. You don’t have to have an art background to learn how to hook rugs or even draw your own designs.
All of my designs are hand drawn on the straight of the grain. The majority of the rug-hooking patterns are my original drawings although I have added a few adaptations of antique rugs or signs. It’s my hope that you check back often as I update my site adding new patterns and supplies so check in and see what’s new! If there are designs or products you would like me to include on my site, please send me a note via my contact form.
Because my studio is located in my home in Warren County, New Jersey (just minutes from Route 78), I am open and available any day of the week with just a little advance notice – with a phone call or an e-mail just to make sure that I am here. Please contact me with any questions you may have.
Owner, The Blue Tulip
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